Wednesday, June 18, 2008

5-toed sloth-dom

Haven't written anything in awhile. I would like to say it's because I've been super-busy with school, or a job, or anything. The reality is that I have been slowly turning into a sloth. Yes, and not one of those punk three-toed ones. Oh no. When I laze around, I do it like a champ. The remote in one hand, Maizetos in the other, Conan on TV and polish on my toes. Oh, and Oreos on the table. Meh, it's a life.

I have been looking for a job. I went back to Chappy's. I'm already ready to quit. I like the people I work with, I like my bosses, but serving food is the most humiliating job I can think of.

But now back to the writing prompts I abandoned so long ago.

Describe your favorite quote:

"In my early twenties, I lived life anxiously from one day to the next, hoping for a salvation I could not define."
- Pankaj Mishra

I actually hated the book this was taken from, An End to Suffering. It's sort of a conglomeration of one Canadian-Indian's rediscovery of rural India. Along with his personal journey is the historical journey of Buddha and his teachings. If I learned anything from this book, it was that I could never be Buddhist. Perhaps "an end to suffering" would be nice, but it life would be devoid of the pleasure that comes with the sublime satisfaction of your cravings that lead to suffering. Would that be a life worth living? No. I would become nothing more than an automaton. I would lose my humanity.

I like this quote because when I read it, it did, and still does, apply to me. As a young person, away from home, trying to discover who I am, who my friends are, what I want to do, etc. I yearn for some Divine instruction manual to drop out of the heavens and land at my feet. I feel like I need to figure out where all this is headed for me to make my existence meaningful. Then again, it begs the question: would the struggle be meaninful if I knew of it from the beginning?

Anyway, I feel a nap coming on...Time to go be a sloth.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ahhh! Amanda D.! its Emily Harp! i miss you and love you and im glad i found your blog from rachel's!