Monday, June 23, 2008

Gnothi Seaton (et tu McKelly)

*Jumps around dancing to Van Halen (not Van Hagar, maybe Scissor Sisters--the gayest music I listen to).*

I have one on Wednesday at noon at Benjamin Russell High in Alex City and one Friday morning at 8 am (booooo) at JU Blacksher (SPELLING?) High in Monroe County. I really friggin' want a job.

So two things really pissed me off today. In lieu of a prompt, I shall write about them. Prepare yourself for...

EXTREMELY PISSED OFF AMANDA (it happens about 3 times a week. What can I say? I drink a lot of caffeine).

So first, I took a nap today. It was very pleasant. I snuggled with the Pig, he did not fart in bed (he's a true gentleman), and I dreamed of Bear Grylls (heh heh, that's wear the pleasantness ends and the raw beastial carnage begins. Not really, he came into Chappy's and I spilled hot tea on him and when he yelled at me I told him to get out of my country.)


When I woke up, I found my roommate in the living room watching tv. She then told me that we had recieved a visitor that afternoon. Some minimum-wage working, illegal-alien pimping, GED-earning, butt-ball (why yes, I am an English major). When I moved into the Exchange (or SEXchange, if you're nasty) three years ago, I was told that for every cigarette butt found outside our building, everyone living in said building gets fined $1. For three years, I and all my roommates have been super-anal about putting ours in the ashtray. For three years, I have never had one complaint.

That is, until this jackass comes up and tries to fine us $495 (yes, almost five hundred dollars, US) for them. Apparently, the nineteen year old ass bags on the first floor tried to pawn it off on us. Yet another reason why I am done with college life. I'm too old and have too much to worry about without this bullshit going on. I'm trying to establish my career, support myself, find an apartment, build an ADULT life, and I have to deal with this shit.

The other thing that royally pissed me off I won't go into. I'm afraid it may hurt someone or cause a huge internet war, so I'll leave it ambiguous.

Suffice to say that certain people have been judging me from their ivory towers (built out of guano). It's not limited to this instance--it's been going on several times (I know for a fact because I'm not a fucking idiot)-- this is just the one time that really set me off.

For the record, I know who I am and what I stand for. I've built for myself a list of morals and I take those morals very seriously. I'm 21 years old, single, and educated. I don't answer to anyone and I certainly don't appreciate people (who think they know me) doling out advice or judgements where they are most unsolicited. Obviously it isn't worth it to make friends or become close to people because they begin analyzing every action of your life like they can read you. Beleive me when I say, I have never met anyone who can read me well, and I'm more complicated than smoking or what I wear, or who I choose to associate with.

And now that I've sounded sufficiently like a superficial brat, I'm going to bed. And visions of Camels and contracts will dance in my head.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yay for job interviews! how far away is that second one? I know the first is about 3 hours from me, but still close enough that we could visit every once in a while..
what happened to Smiths? i really wanted you to get that one!
and crappy downstairs neighbors suck! boo!
love ya!